
My House’s Previous Owner Left Me a Warning Note about Our Neighbors – I Couldn’t Believe It until One Day

When we moved into our new house, we thought we’d found the perfect neighbors in the Johnsons. They welcomed us with pie and smiles, and soon we were hosting barbecues and sharing garden tips. Everything seemed great—until I found a note warning us about them.

Ignoring the note, we trusted the Johnsons and even let them use our pool while we were on vacation. But when we returned, our property was trashed. Confronting them only led to lies and finger-pointing. Thanks to a neighbor’s security cameras, we discovered the truth—the Johnsons had been throwing parties at our house.

Furious, we decided to teach them a lesson. That night, we dumped all the garbage they’d left on our property right back on theirs. The next morning, we watched as they reacted in shock.

Word spread fast, and the neighborhood turned against them. Eventually, they were forced to clean up and change their ways. It wasn’t the neighborly welcome we expected, but it sure made for one unforgettable story. And in the end, we found real friends in the neighborhood.

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