
My Dad Left Me When I Was 13 — Ten Years Later, I Saw Him on the Side of the Road Hitchhiking with a Little Girl

The man Mom and I loved shattered our hearts and abandoned us when I was 13. Ten years later, I stopped for a hitchhiker—only to see my dad with a little girl. The scars never healed. Will this meeting mend them or make them worse?

The day my dad left, everything lost its color. I watched his car disappear, the sound of his tires like hope being crushed. I ran after him, screaming, but he didn’t turn back. Mom and I clung to each other, trying to stay strong.

Years passed, and we built a life together, surviving without him. But then I saw him on the side of the road. I pulled over, and there he was—older, worn, and with a new family.

Our conversation was tense, filled with regret and unspoken pain. He apologized, but sorry didn’t erase ten years of absence. As I drove away, I realized I didn’t need his love to be whole. I had my mom, and that was enough.

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