
Reasons why you shouldn’t go to sleep with wet hair. No.4 is the most serious

We’ve all heard from our elders that sleeping with wet hair is a bad idea. While it might be dismissed as an old wives’ tale, there are actually several valid reasons why you should avoid this habit. Not only can it increase the risk of catching a cold, but it can also damage your hair and even lead to fungal infections.

Let’s delve into why it’s best to keep your hair dry before hitting the hay.

1. It Could Cause Severe Hair Breakage

Your hair is at its weakest when it’s wet. This means leaving it wet while you sleep makes it more prone to breakage. As you toss and turn throughout the night, the friction can cause your hair to snap much more easily than if it were dry.

You might think letting your hair air dry is better than applying heat, but is it really?

2. It Can Make You Sick

Sleeping with wet hair can make you feel colder, especially if you’re using an air conditioner or if it’s wintertime. This increased chill can ultimately make you feel under the weather.

3. You Will Spend More Time Styling Your Hair

When you go to bed with wet hair, you have no control over how it will look come morning. This often means more time spent taming and styling your hair to get it presentable for the day.

4. Worsens Your Immune System

Though you won’t catch a virus just by having wet hair, sleeping with it can indeed weaken your immune system. A weakened immune system means you’re more likely to catch a cold or flu.

5. It Can Lead to Bacteria Growth

The combination of warmth and moisture is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. When you sleep with wet hair, this moisture seeps into your pillow, allowing bacteria to flourish. Changing pillow covers won’t help much because the moisture can penetrate deep into the pillow.

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